Death and Aging Negits

We have a biological clock which insures that we will age and die according to the cycles of nature. However, we with our negative thoughtforms and patterns, influence this process. By removing the Negits, we can insure a longer, more healthy process of aging. In many respects, it is possible to prolong life, and Insure that our life will be more enjoyable and productive. These Negits are primarily programs from what is accepted and expected by our families and the societies we grow up in.

Negits that increase the aging process

I'm beginning to look older.

 Old age gives me dignity and wisdom

People will respect me when I am old.

 I’m old and useless

I'm over forty, my body is weakening. 

Disease comes with old age

Old age is being decrepant, senile, and useless.

I have to be more conscious of cancer.(or other illnesses)

I'm over forty, I must start losing my hearing, eyesight, strength, energy, vitality, sex drive, muscle tone, physical attractiveness, clarity of mind, productivity, etc.

I'm trapped in this old body.

My friends are old, so I have to be old to be accepted.

I have to make way for the younger generation.

All my family get fat when they get older.

All my family get cataracts when they get old.

The men in my fam1Iy always get bald as they age.

Old age vibration (common consciousness of aging)

We were born to die

Death wish

Fear of death, old age

Need to escape responsibility, boredom, life,

Nobody in our family has lived past __________

I need to get old so I can rest /retire/do what I want to do.