Relationship Patterns and Programs

I must give up my Personal Power 

Fear of desertion

I am not good enough for him/her 

Fear of survival

Why can't he/she see me,trust me,LOVE me,care for me

 Need to be Independent

Fear of communication /fear of facing emotions/reality

Fear of being misunderstood

Fear of confrontations

Fear he/she will learn my secrets

 Fear of losing self-identity

Need to protect 

Fear of sharing/ not getting my share

Need to be LOVEd /need for affection

Fear of losing authority/manipulation through money or sex

Need to be protected/security

 Fear of losing control

Family flows and patterns

Financial patterns

Different perspectives/goals

Need to be apart

Need to be together

Sexual conflicts

Emotional blocks


Old patterns of Interaction


Need to own and control

Expectations of in-laws

Need to control sexually

Expectations based on patterns


Loss of respect

Need for excitement/change


Fear of emotion

Projecting faults

Negative memories


His/her family doesn't like me

I don't deserve what I have; 

others want to use me for my money; 

contempt for people who have less.