Religious Blocks and Inhibitors

Fear or the Church  I have to give of myself
Fear of Religious authorities  I have no worth
I must be perfect  I can’t receive /I must only give
I'm a sinner/ Self-loathing Addicted to doing
Fear of failure  Need for approval of priest/ minister

Sexual guilt 

only the Church is spiritual
Sexual repression  I am dirty/ only Jesus is pure
Self-condemnation  There is no use trying my soul is lost
self-judgment  Only spiritual works have worth
Fear of hell  non-church spirituality is not okay
Fear of judgment by God  I have to rescue others, earn LOVE
Abandoned by God  God hates me
My sins must be cleansed  Fear of the Vengeful God
I'm unclean  I am only worthy of conditional LOVE
I must suffer for God to LOVE me  God's LOVE is predicated upon my______
Christ is  external to me obedience

Fear of death Guilt--

Jesus died for me
Religious conflict  Anger at God
Separation from God  I have to suffer to have God's LOVE

Women are bad because ______

 Women must martyr themselves
Original Sin  Women must submit to their husbands
It's wrong to enjoy sex  Sexual Is not spiritual

I'm going to hell

 Being joyful is evil
God is cruel  God is Fear or punishment
The husband is next to God  God won't let me have fun
God is always watching  Need to be a martyr to be worthy

I'll never be worthy of God's LOVE

               Feeling ashamed
Fear of purgatory  I'm preparing for the next life
I'm going to hell so why try


Specific Religious Patterns and programs

Jewish Flow/Catholic Flow/Mormon Flow etc.

Jewish/Catholic martyr, need to suffer

Judeo-Christian concept of God

Must be "born again," "saved"


Patterns of dogma, beliefs

          Past Life religious flows

The Church is the power of God

The Church speaks for God

Only my Religion is right, all others are wrong

Religious hypocristy/ Bigotry/ prejudice

Woman is responsible for getting her family to Heaven

Woman can't get to Heaven without her man

What ever children grow up to be is Mothers fault

Marriage is forever