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Earth Healing

August 5-1993 


"The God of your fathers and the God of all creation does indeed LOVE each of you and He has tried many times to help you understand that LOVE. He has sent prophets time and time again that you might be able to experience the LOVE He has for you to know that no matter how great your sin against the Creator, your God, that His LOVE is still there for you. I speak of this LOVE, having received it at the hands of His prophets, having been forgiven for grievous errors against my fellow mankind and against my God. And it is for this purpose that I come to you to bring the message of His great LOVE and let you know that even as the soul has great remorse, has brought pain, harm and even death that His LOVE is above all things and it is yours. His LOVE has great healing power. It can reach within the soul and replace the remorse, the pain, and the hurt with great, all-empowering LOVE. For this reason I have come to tell you to look within your beings, to look within your hearts and rejoice. No matter what is going on in your world or in all of creation that there is LOVE, salvation and joy finding these things, bringing these things within your life and being, making them part of you. None of you need have tortured souls because forgiving, LOVE, peace, and joy are at hand. They are yours. Accept them and bring them into your world"  David

These are the messages which have been brought to you. Please hear. Please take them within you. Secure your space with the Creator, the All of All, and with all those who LOVE you.


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